You may also have been struggling for months or even years to integrate healthy eating and regular exercise into your life and thus lose weight and keep it off permanently. While for many people results are quickly visible, for others the unwelcome fat pads do not want to disappear even through iron discipline. It doesn't have to be major surgery to help you lose weight. There are less costly methods that will bring you closer to the sense of achievement that you have wanted for so long. For example, the gastric balloon. Learn more about our program now.
The Medical INN team consists of plastic and aesthetic surgeons for body contouring procedures, as well as gastroenterologists and abdominal surgeons who perform gastric balloon implantations under endoscopic control or stomach reductions under surgical restraints, and qualified nutritionists.
Our weight loss programs, including the gastric balloon, may be the solution you have been looking for after numerous unsuccessful attempts to lose weight through exercise, a healthy lifestyle and dieting alone.
Treatment duration: About 1 hour
Anesthesia: Light twilight sleep
Clinic stay: Outpatient
Aftercare: Accompanying support with nutrition and fitness experts; removal of the intragastric balloon after about 6 months
Social fitness: Immediately


With a gastric balloon, you can regain control over your weight. Stressful daily life can make it hard to establish new habits in diet and exercise. Other reasons, such as genetics, make it hard to see results. Many people with obesity encounter major surgeries like gastric banding or gastric bypass in their search for a solution. The gastric balloon represents a gentler yet effective option - at a fraction of the cost. Because your stomach will feel filled quickly, you will find it easier to change your diet and develop a normal feeling of fullness. Since you will receive intensive support over several months, you will receive a holistic concept, for losing weight without surgery.


The fact that you are here means that you have taken a very important first step in your consideration of losing weight permanently and improving your health and quality of life. Our experienced team includes plastic and cosmetic surgery specialists, gastroenterologists and abdominal surgeons, and nutritionists. Our weight loss programs, including the gastric balloon, may be the solutions when your own attempts through dieting and exercise have failed.

Our top-notch trained team will be there to support you the entire time. The program begins with a detailed, personal consultation with one of our specialists. In this, you will learn whether the gastric balloon is the right option for you. Your doctor will present the procedure to you in detail and you will receive all the answers to your questions. You will then make an appointment to receive the gastric balloon. The procedure is minimally invasive. You will be given a twilight sleep and our team will place the empty sleeve of the intragastric balloon into your stomach. There, it is filled with a physiological saline solution. It causes the volume of your stomach to decrease, making it faster and easier to feel full. The entire procedure takes about an hour. Afterwards, you can go home. To ensure that the excess weight can be treated permanently, a specially developed diet and exercise program follows. This involves experts such as doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists and psychologists, who will actively support you with advice, encouragement and follow-up examinations. This entire concept aims to help you lose weight permanently without surgery.

When the intragastric balloon is removed after 6 months, it should be easier for you to maintain the new eating and lifestyle habits and to keep your weight off in the long term or even to reduce it further.

Treatment with a gastric balloon is most suitable for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 27 kg/m2 or higher. Please note that, as with all other weight loss therapies, the gastric balloon only works effectively if a change in eating and lifestyle habits is made at the same time.

Advantages of the gastric balloon program

- Proven to produce greater weight loss than diet alone
- Brings and maintains a feeling of fullness
- Can make it easier to switch to new eating habits and a healthier lifestyle


What can I eat with the gastric balloon?

We recommend that you eat liquid foods such as soups or shakes for about 4 days after insertion. After that you can eat normally again. To achieve the desired results, you should focus on a healthy as well as calorie-reduced diet.

When can I go back to work?

Due to the twilight sleep, you should not work again on the same day. There is nothing wrong with going back to work or school the day after.

How fast do I lose weight with the gastric balloon?

How fast you lose weight with the gastric balloon depends on several factors. For example, how much you pay attention to the balanced diet, how much exercise you do and what your genetic predisposition is.

How is the intragastric balloon removed?

After the 6-month wearing period, the gastric balloon is removed again by a short gastroscopy with the instrument. For this, you will be given a twilight sleep, as with the implant.

How does the gastric balloon work?

The feeling of satiety is triggered, among other things, by the filling state of the stomach. Since the stomach balloon takes up a large part of the volume, you become full faster and eat less accordingly.

Can I feel the intragastric balloon?

Some patients report that they can feel or even palpate the intragastric balloon while lying down. This is generally not perceived as unpleasant.

Our surgery centers

Medical INN Zentrum

Medical Inn, Georg-Glock-Straße 8, 40474 Düsseldorf

Sportklinik Duisburg

Sportklinik Duisburg Dr. Alfred-Herrhausen-Allee 21 47228 Duisburg

Narconova Bocholt

NARCONOVA, Neutorplatz 2, 46395 Bocholt


TEL: 0211 26159 299

Plastische & Ästhetische Chirurgen
in Düsseldorf auf jameda
in Düsseldorf auf jameda
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